Friday, April 15, 2011

The novel is an EBOOK. I put it up this morning! SEVEN MURDERS IN SUSSEX

So my friends, I did it. After hours and hours of laboring over the already error ridden mystery novel I did go to Smashwords and put up the mystery novel. Yes, this is the book I'd written about 6 years ago! I wrote it, gave it to a church lady to read. She said that is was "abominable" or something like that and then it sat in the closet for about five years until this past fall when I joined a writer's group. The writers all though that what I read from the book was "brilliant." But we only editing about 3 pages a week (in addition to my having to read and comment on their works). For a few months no one showed to writer's group - or writer's anonymous as I like to call it. So on those cold and lonely wintry nights I worked feverishly on the first draft to get it publisher ready. Then dutifully I sent out about two dozen queries to agents.
But then, like most writers, I felt that I should DO something. So I published the book through Create space as per some writer recommendations on one of the many sites I read. And add more to my journey, I published the book  up on smashwords yesterday. I had to change the format so that it could be read on ipods, kindle and the like! It was a labor of love. But I wanted to get the word out. And now we wait. I'm hoping that a few people will read the book and be moved, as I have hoped to have done with this book. And then I hope word of mouth will bring this book to the surface. I wish for alot of things. But I believe that there are messages in the novel that this universe and planet need to hear. They didn't come from me, but rather that higher power and muse that follow. It'a provacative and cautionary tale and I do hope that if you've found your way here, you might find the five dollars to purchase the ebook, or at the very least read the 20% I've given the reader for free. It's a remarkable tale that sort of wrote itself and I do think that not only will the reader enjoy it, but hate me at the end of it for its twists and turns. I plan on writing two more parts to this trilogy..but that all depends on you, the reader. The book may be found at: So give it a gander and give me a holler and let me know if you liked it or hated it...if it spoke to you.

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